About us

SlickMagazines.com has been a trusted online destination for magazine subscriptions since 2012. We take pride in offering you incredible deals and substantial discounts on a wide range of your favorite magazines.

Our subscription prices are updated daily to ensure you get the lowest approved prices. Through longstanding personal relationships with each publisher, we can deliver exceptional savings and reliable service promptly.

Our dedicated team is committed to providing you with the best prices on top magazines. We work closely with publishers to bring you even greater savings. These exclusive limited-time special offers are regularly updated and feature popular magazines that our customers love.

With hundreds of magazines to choose from, SlickMagazines.com covers a diverse range of interests, including celebrity news, sports, fashion, and more. Our extensive selection ensures that there's something for everyone. Additionally, our gift subscription program simplifies the process of giving a gift that will provide enjoyment throughout the year.